Leadstone.it | Supporto


We are ready to swiftly manage your request

“Our first collaborators
are our clients”

We walk with you through your e-commerce journey

Our team e-commerce and digital marketing of experts is ready to satisfy all of your needs.
We care to garantee peace of mind and maximum productivity to your business.

We are qualified, reliable, quick

We very well know your time is precious, so we are very keen to reduce at the minimum our response times to resolve your issues. We operate on more channels: english assistance, given by specialists, on your prefered channel.

Email Support

Standard support for you basic needs. Contact us through e-mail: we reply within 8 working hours.

Phone support

If you rather being supported over the phone, we manage your ticket within 4 working hours.
supporto tecnico

Priority support

Receive priority support to manage your critical issues in a faster manner. We manage your request in 2 working hours.

Custom Support

We strongly believe in human contact, so we are ready to adapt to your specific needs, with custom solutions made for you.

Find out the type of support which works best for you.